It’s nice to have you online again this week!!!
You are welcome to episode 5 of ‘LEARN FRENCH’ powered by FLSC
Now, let’s go on and study together. Here is the fifth (5) episode of “LEARN FRENCH”.
Last week, we did the summary (Résume) of all our previous 4 episodes.  
And I am so sure you must have grabbed one or two things from that Summary (Résume).
If you have any question please don’t hesitate to contact us on flscnig@gmail.com or info@flsc.com.ng
Follow us on twitter @flscnig and state your enquiries on our facebook page @flscnig French study center. You can also call us: +2348067912625/+2347035671547.
Here is the fifth (5) episode of “LEARN FRENCH”. POWERED BY FLSC, www.flsc.com.ng
This week episode of French teaching online is titled “LES NOMBRESmeaning (NUMBERS).
Here we go; In this episode, we would talk about numbers from 1-20 while we continue from 21 -100 in the next episode.
Sit back and relax to learn numbers in French…….
Now, these are the numbers and their pronunciations are in the column at the front of each numbers.
·         1              Un                          (on)                                      
·         2              Deux                     (doh)                                                    
·         3              Trois                      (trua)                                   
·         4              Quatre                  (katr)                                                    
·         5              Cinq                       (senk)                                                  
·         6              Six                          (six)                                                                      
·         7              Sept                       (set)
·         8              Huit                       (uit)
·         9              Neuf                      (nof)
·         10           Dix                         (dix)
·         11           Onze                     (onz)
·         12           Douze                   (duz)
·         13           Treize                   (trez)
·         14           Quatorze             (katorz)
·         15           Quinze                 (kenz)  
·         16           Seize                     (sez)
·         17           Dix- Sept             (di-set)
·         18           Dix- huit              (d.sweet)
·         19           Dix- neuf             (dix- nof)
·         20           Vingt                     (ven)
These and many more of numbers you can learn online with us, log on to www.flsc.com.ng now to fill our application form for a comprehensive online French tutor @ affordable price. You can as well enroll for our in-class tutor today!!! Fill our application form online, you will definitely enjoy it.
You can also subscribe to our newsletter on www.flsc.com.ng
Now, I believe you have gotten something from today’s episode, eagerly wait for the next episode (6) where we will talk on numbers from 21 – 100, stay close with us and like our facebook page French language study center and @flscnig on twitter.
N: B let’s here from you, one of the ways you can easily learn is when you ask questions and try what you have learnt. We are waiting to hear from you call us now +2348067912625/+2347035671547.
 Before then, you can direct all your questions/enquiries to flscnig@gmail.com
Also follow us on twitter @flscnig
This is brought to you by French Language Study Center (FLSC). www.flsc.com.ng
See you next week and do have a great, loving and wonderful  week ahead!



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