Happy New Month to everyone!
You are all welcome to the month of March in the year of 'learning'.
Let us quickly have the summary of what we have taught and learnt from the past 4 episodes of "LEARN FRENCH"
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The topic for this episode was "LES NUMBRES (1 - 20)
1              Un                          (on)                                      
·         2              Deux                     (doh)                                                    
·         3              Trois                      (trua)                                   
·         4              Quatre                  (katr)                                                    
·         5              Cinq                       (senk)                                                  
·         6              Six                          (six)                                                                      
·         7              Sept                       (set)
·         8              Huit                       (uit)
·         9              Neuf                      (nof)
·         10           Dix                         (dix)
·         11           Onze                     (onz)
·         12           Douze                   (duz)
·         13           Treize                   (trez)
·         14           Quatorze             (katorz)
·         15           Quinze                 (kenz)  
·         16           Seize                     (sez)
·         17           Dix- Sept             (di-set)
·         18           Dix- huit              (d.sweet)
·         19           Dix- neuf             (dix- nof)
·         20           Vingt                     (ven)

The week episode of French teaching online was titled “LES NUMBRES” 21 - 100.
Sit back and relax to learn numbers 21- 100 in French…….
v  It is very simple to get numbers 21 – 29 in French like English where you read 21 – 29 as combination of twenty to the figures from 1 – 9.
v  In French 20 is ‘vingt’ so therefore, you will match vingt to the figure between 1 – 9 to form 21 – 29.
For example:     21- Vingt Un                       (Venton)
                         22 – Vingt Deux                (Ven doh)
                         29 – Vingt Neuf                  (Ven nof)
                         30 – Trente                         (tront)
v  This same method apply to 31 – 39
For example:     31 – Trente Un                   (Tronton)
                         32 – Trente Deux              (Tront doh)
                         39 – Trente Neuf              (Tront nof)
                         40 – Quarante                    (karont)
v  You will follow this same method for 41 – 49, 51 - 59 and 61 - 69
50 – Cinquante                  (Sekont)
60 – Soixante                     (suasont)
70 – Soixante Dix             (suasont dix)
80 – Quatre Vingts           (katro - ven)
90 -  Quatre Vingts Dix   (katro- vendix)
100 – Cent                           (son)
v  The exceptions we have here are 71 to 79 and 91 – 99 because they don’t have their own names, it is the addition of the previous number like 60 (soixante) with 10 (dix) that makes up to 70 (soixante dix) and the same thing happens to 90 (Quatre Vingts Dix).
v  Therefore, as 69 is soixante neuf, then 70 is soixante dix.
v  The numbers between 71 – 79 must now be the addition of 60 (soixante) with 11 – 19 (Onze to Dix neuf)
For example:            71 – Soixante onze          (suasont onz)
                                72 – Soixante douze       (suasont duz)
                                79 – Soixante dix – neuf (suasont dix-nof)
v  This explanation is applicable to numbers 91 – 99 also.
For example:            91 – Quatre Vingt Onze (katro- ventonz)
                                92 – Quatre Vingt Douze(katro – ven duz)
                                99 – Quatre Vingt Dix Neuf (katro- vendix nof)
                                100 – Cent                           (son)
                           Episode 7
This week episode of French teaching online was titled " LES NUMBRES” 101 - 1000
v Just as explained last week that french numbers has the same rules and processes with english numbers.
The way we combine numbers in english words are still the same in french words 
v Now, let's start the brain work together. Remember, "a hundred" is "cent" in french.
For example:  100 - Cent (son)
                          101 - Cent et un (sonte on)
                          102 - Cent deux (son doh)
                          149 - Cent Quarante Neuf (son karont nof)
                          150 - Cent Cinquante (son sekont)
                          200 - Deux Cents (doh son)
                          220 - Deux Cents Vingt (doh son ven)
                          290 - Deux Cents Quatre-Vingts Dix (doh son katro ven dix)
                          300 - Trois Cents (trua son)
                          330 - Trois Cents trente (trua son tront)
                           400 - Quatre Cents (katr son)
                           500 - Cinq Cents (senk son)
                           600 - Six Cents (six son)
                           700 - Sept Cents (sept son)
                           800 - Huit Cents (uit-son)
                           900 - Neuf Cents (nof son)
                           1000 - Mille (mil)
100 is from the english word "CENTURY" - CENT
1000 is also from the english word "MILLENIUM" - MILLE

v Therefore, if you are to read up to 900,000 just follow the same process and match the numbers together one by one.
v 2,000 will be Deux Milles (doh mil)
v 900,000 will now be Neuf Cents Milles (nof son mil)

v QUESTION: We are in the year 2017, how will you write '2017' (two thousand and seventeen) in french?.
  You can forward your answers to or you comment your answer using comment space below. 
  We shall definitely go through them and get back to you promptly.
With this recap/brief summary of LEARN FRENCH teaching online, we believe you could catch up with any of the episodes you missed and still learn something new.
Let's make it interactive this week, How can you write today's date in French?
Please, feel free to ask us any questions on French, we would definitely answer you. We are here to make French Language easier for you to speak and write.
We will be waiting for your comments, questions and enquiries which you can send to or call +2348067912625/+2347035671547 as we would continue with another topic in the next episode.
Visit our website and like us on our facebook page french study center twitter @flscnig
Until next week, keep learning and start leading.
Have a pleasant and blessed new week.


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