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Let us quickly have the summary of what we have taught and learnt from the past episodes of "LEARN FRENCH"
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                                                                                  EPISODE 16

This week's episode of French teaching online is titledLES MOIS DE L'ANNEE"  meaning (THE MONTHS OF THE YEAR)
Sit back and relax to learn........
Il ya douze mois dans une année.
There are twelve (12) months in a year:

January - janvier (jon-vi-eh)
February - fevrier (fE-vri-eh)
March - mars (mas)
April - avril (avri)
May - mai (mE)
June - juin (juEn)
July - juillet (jui-yeh)
August - aout (ut)
September - septembre (septombr)
October - octobre (octobr)
November - novembre (novombr)
December - decembre (dehsombr)

         EPISODE 17

This week's episode of French teaching online is titledL'INTERROGATION"    meaning (QUESTION)
This topic gives us an insight on how to ask some simple questions in French language.
Sit back and relax to learn........

Comment tu t'appelles ? (komon tu tapEl) - What is your name ?
Quel age as tu ? (kel ag a tu) - How old are you ?
Ou Habites tu ? (hu abit tu) - Where are you living ?
Ou viens tu ? (hu viEn tu) - Where are you coming from ?
Ou vas tu ? (hu va tu) - Where are you going ?
Comment ca va ? (komon sa va) - How are you ? 
C'est combien ? (sE kon biEn) - How much is it ?
Ou est ta mere ? (hu E ta mEre) - Where is your mother ?
Comment va la famille (komon va la famil) - How is the family ?
Qui est la ? (ki E la) - Who is there ?

            EPISODE 18

This week's episode of French teaching online is titledLES REPONSES"    meaning (ANSWERS)
Last week, we discussed 'how to ask some questions' in French language but today we shall discuss "how to answer those questions" if you are being asked.

Sit back and relax to learn........

Je m'appelle Jane (yo m'apEl Jane) - My name is Jane
J'ai vingt ans (yeh vEn on) - I am 20 years old
J'habite a Lagos (yabit a lagos) - I lives in Lagos 
Je viens du marche (yo viEn du maSeh) - I am coming from market
Je vais a l'ecole (yo va a l'ekol) - I am going to school
Ca va bien merci et vous (sa va biEn mEsi eh vu) - I am fine, thanks and you? 
C'est mille naira (sE mil naira) - It is #1000
Ma mere est dedans (ma mEr E dodon) - My mother is inside
Ils vont bien (il von biEn) - They are doing fine
C'est moi (sE mua) - It's me

With this recap/brief summary of LEARN FRENCH teaching online, we believe you could catch up with any of the episodes you have missed and still learn something new.
Please, feel free to ask us any question on French, we would definitely answer you. We are here to make French Language easier for you to speak and write.
We will be waiting for your comments, questions and enquiries which you can send to or call +2348067912625/+2347035671547 as we would continue with another topic in the next episode.
Visit our website and like us on our facebook page french study center twitter @flscnig
Until next week, keep learning and start leading.
Have a pleasant and blessed new week.


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